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All CollectionsBlueprintFAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions


Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over a week ago

Table Of Contents

  1. Blueprint Preferences

  2. Jobs

  3. Price Sheet

  4. My Designs

  5. Shopping Cart

  6. Smart Tag

  7. Smart Sort

  8. Orders

  9. Troubleshooting

  10. Labs

1. Blueprint Preferences

a. What is the difference between the main contact and order email

The main contact address is the email that your customers will use to contact you. This email address will show on the invoice that the customer receives.

The Order email address is the address to where order invoices will be sent to. This is often used to help keep track of orders without having to sort through other emails.

b. Do I have to put an address in

Yes, you will need to have an address entered. This is used to provide your customers with your contact information should they need to follow up with you.

But also, this is used if you are choosing to bulk orders back to the studio. Blueprint will detect this address to provide to the labs when processing those bulks.

c. Why is my order processing rate different

When you look at your rate in Blueprint (Preferences - Membership) you may see that the rate is different than what your agreed-upon rate is. This is not a mistake.

The rate shown here is your commission plus the merchant fee of 2.9%. So if your ESA has you at a 7% rate then the rate showing in Blueprint will be 9.9%

d. How do I set up for other users to not have full access to certain tabs in Blueprint

You can enable different users to have certain levels of access in Blueprint by editing their user roles and permissions. This will allow the users to perform their job without having full access to more sensitive information such as your financial or account information.

2. Jobs

a. Should I turn off Bulk Orders once Direct Shipping begins

You do not have to turn off the Bulk Orders option once direct shipping begins as the Start Direct Ship date will override the Bulk order setting and cause all orders from that date on to be directly shipped to the customer.

b. I set a start direct ship date but my direct ship orders haven't been released

This means you have selected the option to hold direct ship orders until you manually release them. In order to have the direct ship orders automatically released for fulfillment be sure to uncheck the option to Hold Direct Ship Orders.

c. Can I add multiple email addresses to a subject?

Yes, you can add multiple email addresses to a subject. You will just want to make sure they are separated by a semicolon and have no spaces in between them. However, you are unable to merge in new email addresses via the import wizard if an email address is already included in the subject's data.

d. Is it better to Preserve or Overwrite Images?

We recommend preserving your original images just in case you need to access the originals again.

e. Why do I get an error when trying to export subject data and images

When exporting out of Blueprint you want to be sure your subject data and images do not include special characters due to Blueprint not being able to export special characters

f. Why do I get duplicate subjects when trying to merge in new subject data

g. Why am I being asked to enter an online code?

The gallery is configured to be a Subject gallery which requires each subject to have their own individual code in order to access their photos online

h. How can I remove old galleries from my landing page

In the Job settings, under Job Configuration, you can select to make the gallery Hidden which will remove the gallery from your landing page

i. What does it mean if Blueprint asks whether I want to keep my copy of the job or a different one?

The Potential Conflict status means you (or someone you have helping you in the studio) likely made a slightly different change to the same subject. This can happen if, say, both devices select a Primary Image, or make a change to the same data field. When you sync, Blueprint should give you a little message that tells you what the conflict is, and if you'd want to Keep Their Verison or Keep Yours. You'll likely want to Keep Yours.

3. Price Sheet

a. How do I charge a customer a fee to add additional images to their package

Within your price sheet, you can select the package you want to add a fee to and edit the image configuration settings. Here you can edit how many images are included in the package as well as allow customers to purchase additional images with either a one-time surcharge or a surcharge per image.

b. How do I set for retouched images to go back into the Job

c. How do I add an offer to my price sheet

d. Can I hide certain products so my customers won't see them online

Yes, when you select a product within the price sheet there is an option for you Hide the item from the shopping cart via the Visibility option.

4. My Designs

a. I don't see all of my orders with My Designs under the Fulfillment tab

Only studio-fulfilled image services such as retouching or teeth whitening will appear in Blueprint's Fulfillment tab.

5. Shopping Cart

a. Can customers combine multiple subjects in one package when ordering

Customers cannot combine multiple subjects into one package. However, as long as the gallery is a Proof gallery and not a Pre-order gallery customers can combine multiple subjects from the same gallery or different galleries.

b. Why are customers unable to delete items from their shopping cart

This means the customer's web browser is still saving information from previously accessing the gallery. The best way to resolve this will be to have them clear their web browser's cache or try to access the online gallery in incognito mode.

6. Smart Tag

a. Why are there pictures of multiple subjects under one subject

When capturing via our smart tag feature you want to ensure you scan the barcode for the next subject before taking their photos so that Blueprint you have moved on to the next subject.

b. Am I able to set up for all images to have a certain aspect ratio as I am capturing

Yes, within the Preferences under the Smart Tag tab, you can configure Blueprint to apply an automatic aspect ratio as well as apply auto head sizing to each image added to a job. This is a local feature meaning these settings will need to be applied to each device used to capture images.

c. Why are my camera images not showing up in Blueprint

There are some items you will want to verify

  • Is the Camera software directed to a hot folder

  • Is Blueprint connected to that hot folder

  • Are you uploading .jpg image files

  • Are you selected on a subject

If your images are showing in the hot folder but not in Blueprint then you want to verify that your camera software is directed to the same folder as Blueprint and that the images a .jpg files (Blueprint will not accept .raw files)

7. Smart Sort

a. How Far away can I be when taking a picture of the QR code

b. What happens if a child loses the QR code before it makes it to the parent

The customer can contact the Studio and request to be sent the direct link to their child's gallery

c. Can I use the same QR code across multiple galleries?

NO. The QR codes contain unique codes that only work with the subject data from a specific gallery. So it would not work if you uploaded the subjects to a new gallery and tried to sort using those same QR codes. You would need to print out new QR codes for those subjects.

This would also be true with replacing subjects in a gallery. If you delete a subject then try to re-add them you will need to print out a new QR code as the old one will no longer sort.

8. Orders

a. Can I edit images after an order is placed

As long as the order has a status of new the order can be edited. Once the order is processed it can no longer be edited.

You can Edit orders to:

  • Change selected pose/ background

  • Alter the crop or filter

  • Update Shipping Address

You cannot edit an order to Add/ remove products and services ( Anything that would alter the price of the order CANNOT be edited)

b. How do I add a group image after the order is placed?

While we do not recommend replacing images after an order is placed, we do understand that may not be an option with groups.

So what you would need to do in this case is have a "dummy" group image available to purchase that will be added to the order. Once you do have the group or composite available upload that into the gallery.

Next and this is very important you will need to edit the placed order and make sure to select the group image again on that product, even if the image file name is the same.

c. How do I release orders for retouching

d. What if I don't see the option to refund orders in Blueprint

If your Blueprint is connected to Stripe and you do not see the Refund Order option, this means your user permissions probably need to be adjusted in order to allow you access to process refunds.

e. How can I retrieve a report that reflects my payouts on Stripe

f. My customer never received their digital download

If a customer never received their digital download it is usually because they have a firewall that is blocking certain kinds of emails, they have marked emails from Imagequix as spam, or they have unsubscribed from our marketing emails which unsubscribe them from ALL emails including digital download emails.

If a customer entered the wrong email address on the order you can reach out to us for the link so that you can then resend the digital download to the correct email

g. How do I bulk add orders

9. Troubleshooting

a. How do I clear the cache on Blueprint?

You will want to hold down Shift + Logout→ Completely exit out of Blueprint→ reopen blueprint and log back in

b. How do I reupload Missing images in a Job

c. My images won't replace

You want to ensure that the new images have the same filename as the originals in Blueprint during your editing workflow in order for the images to replace.

If the images have matching file names and still won't replace we recommend clearing Blueprint's cache and trying to replace the images again. We've seen a bit of success with users doing this trick to "clear their cache" and getting images successfully replaced back into the gallery.

d. My images are failing to sync

Check your image file size, especially with PNG files. If the image is over 20Mb our system will look to compress those image files, however, if it is over 25Mb then there will likely be issues with uploading those images. If this happens you will need to reduce the file size to fit within our image parameters.

10. Labs

a. How do I connect to a lab?

To connect to a new or a different lab you will need to contact ImageQuix support and ask that we add X lab to your account.

You will also need to make sure you have an account set up with that lab and will want to make sure the lab is aware you will be using them with ImageQuix.

b. Can I give the lab access to my account?

Yes. We would just need permission from the studio to give the lab access to the account. As the studio, you can also do this by adding the lab as a user on your account in the preferences.

An example of this is if the lab username is Go into preferences - users then add an existing user to the account and type in that username.

Make sure to give the user a role, you may want to create a specific role for the lab user so they only have access to certain items in your account

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