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Importing Subject Data & Images

Learn the different methods to import subject data and images into Blueprint.

Drew Starr avatar
Written by Drew Starr
Updated over a week ago

Before you begin

Consider the following items to make the import process as smooth as possible:

Opening the Import Tool

Inside a job, click on Tools > Import:

Choose your preferred method

There are a number of different import methods that Blueprint supports. Select an import method from the table below to view detailed steps:

Import Method


Data File (.csv, .txt, .xls, .xlsx)

Replace Images (retouching, knockouts, etc.)

Collection of folders and images (Subjects)

Collection of folders and images (Groups)

❗Remember to review your job after the import is complete before syncing.

You can easily revert the job and try again if something went wrong. ❗

Import Method: Data File

This is the most common of import methods used with Blueprint.

In the Import tool, click on Subject Data and Images:

Step 1: Import Data

  1. Select Data File as your import type. (Defaulted).

  2. Click on Browse... to select your data file to import.

  3. Specify the setup of the data file (has headers, field delimiter, and field qualifier). **It's usually unnecessary to change the defaulted setup**

  4. Specify if you're merging new data into existing subject data. **Check out our merge data guide for more specific assistance with this method**

Step 2: Match Columns to Subject Data

Blueprint will automatically map common column headers to their corresponding data fields. There's a count at the top of the screen telling you how many columns were automatically matched. You can remove and manually map any column to any data field. Unmatched columns will be ignored during the import. Verify that the data fields you want are correctly mapped.

Step 3: Import Images (Optional)

Subject Images

  1. Specify if the data contains subject images and/or group images. **Group Images can only be added if data was mapped to the group field**

  2. Specify the format of your image data as it appears in your data file. **It's usually either Single Image (per Row) or Multiple Image with Separator**

  3. Select the column that contains the image filenames in your data file.

  4. Select the directory (folder) that contains your images

  5. Append a file extension to the end of your filenames if it's absent in the data. **This optional step is usually unnecessary**

Groups Images

  1. Specify if the data contains subject images and/or group images. **Group Images can only be added if data was mapped to the group field**

  2. Specify the format of your image data as it appears in your data file.

  3. Map a column that contains the image filenames for the group(s) in your data file.

  4. Select the directory (folder) that contains your images

  5. Append a file extension to the end of your filenames if it's absent in the data. **This optional step is usually unnecessary**

Step 4: You're Ready to Import!

Review the selections you've made and make any final edits before starting the import

Import Method: Replace Images

This import method is used to replace existing images in the gallery with edited versions by comparing the original image filenames in the Job with your edited versions. If Blueprint finds a match, it can add to or overwrite the existing images

  • Replacing original images with retouched versions.

  • Replacing green screen JPG images with knocked-out PNG versions.

In the Import tool, click on Replace Images:

Then choose the folder that contains the new images and your versioning preference:

Step 1: Select the folder that contains your edited images

These images must have the same filename as the originals in Blueprint during your editing workflow.

Step 2: Select your version control

Specify if you want to preserve or overwrite existing images:

  • Preserve: Replace and keep original images. (Defaulted)

  • Overwrite: Remove and replace original images.

**We always recommend preserving images in your Job 💯**

Import Method: Collection of folders and images (Subjects)

This import uses a sub-folder organizational structure to import data and images. Your sub-folders will be added in as Subjects (using the folder names as data fields). The images inside the sub-folders will be automatically assigned to their corresponding subjects.

In the Import tool, click on Subject Data and Images:

Step 1: Import Data

  1. Select Folder Names as your import type. (Defaulted).

  2. Click on Browse... to select the root folder that contains your data to import.

  3. Does your sub-folder names have multiple data fields (ex. firstName-lastName)? **Make sure you select the correct separator used to name your folders**

  4. Specify if you're merging new data into existing subject data. **Check out our merge data guide for more specific assistance with this method**

Step 2: Map Fields (Optional)

  1. Map the sections of your folder names to the corresponding data fields. Repeat this for each data field you want to bring in.

Import Method: Collection of folders and images (Groups)

This import method uses a sub-folder organizational structure to import data and images. Your sub-folders will be added in as Groups (using the folder names as group names). The images inside the sub-folders will be automatically assigned to their corresponding groups.

In the Import tool, click on Auto-Categorize by Folder:

Step 1: Import Data

  1. Select the root folder that contains the sub-folders you want to import as groups.

  2. Specify if the import should include images inside of the sub-folders

Step 2: You're Ready to Import

Review the selections you've made and make any final edits before starting the import

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