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Subject Data Fields in Blueprint - Explained
Subject Data Fields in Blueprint - Explained

Learn how to access Subject Data and see the different Subject Data fields available for use in Blueprint

Drew Starr avatar
Written by Drew Starr
Updated over a week ago

What are Subject Data fields?

Subject Data fields are unique fields designed for inputting and storing subject-identifying information. This includes details such as Name, Address, Email, Groups, Grade, and more. You can input this information into your Subject, and Blueprint will automatically map and reference it throughout your workflow.

How do I see Subject Data in a Job?

To access your Subject Data, open a Job in Blueprint and choose a Subject from the list on the left side of the screen. The selected subject's information will then appear in the center of the application:

What data fields are available to use?

You can choose to use as few or as many data fields as needed for each job. The more data you input, the higher the level of functionality and adaptability that Blueprint provides for your workflow.

Here is a guide outlining all the available subject data fields in Blueprint. If you are importing your subject data, make sure that your data file contains the correct headers for smooth mapping to the respective fields.

Personal Information: 

  • First Name: Use this field to capture the subject's first name. (Use firstname, fname, or first as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Last Name: Use this field to capture the subject's last name. (Use lastname, lname, or last as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Online Code: Use this field to view/set a Subject's Online Code. The Online Code can only be set by the studio if manually set Online Codes is checked under Job Settings. Use the button on the right of the text box to automatically generate a guaranteed unique code (Use Online Code as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Subject ID: Use the Subject ID field to capture or input an alphanumeric identifier. The most common use for this field is a Student or Work ID. (Use Subject ID as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Reference Number: This is for additional information for reference as needed. (Use reference number or refID as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Type: Use this field to specify the type of Subject. (Use type or subject type as the column header on the data file to auto-map). The available selections are:

  1. Subject (default)

  2. Student

  3. Teacher

  4. Teacher Assistant

  5. Faculty

  6. Staff

  7. Principal

  8. Vice Principal

  9. Assistant Principal

  10. Superintendent

  11. Pastor

  12. Player

  13. Coach

  14. Coach Assistant

  15. Team Assistant

  16. Event Lead

  17. Event Assistant

  • Title: Use this field to enter a title for the Subject. (Use title or subject title as the column header on the data file to auto-map). The available selections are:

  1. None (default)

  2. Mr.

  3. Ms.

  4. Mrs.

  5. Miss.

  6. Dr.


  • Groups: Use this field to assign the current subject to any groups you've already created in your Job. (Use group or groups as the column header on the data file to auto-map. During a data import, you can have multiple groups pointed to this field)

Address Information:

  • Address Line 1: Street address for the subject. This address will only populate in full order entry. (Use address, address 1, street address, Street address1, Street, or Street1 as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Address Line 2: Secondary street address of the subject. (Use address 2, Street address2, or Street2 as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • City: The city where the subject resides. (Use City as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • State: The state where the subject resides. (Use State as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Zip: The zip/postal code where the subject resides. (Use Zip, Zipcode, Zip/PostalCode, or PostalCode as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Country: The country the subject resides. (Use Country as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

Contact Information:

  • Phone 1: The subject's phone number. (Use phone, phonenumber, phone#, phonenumbers, or phone as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

    The supported phone number formats for SMS marketing are:

    (919) 555-5555




  • Phone 2: The subject's secondary phone number. (Use phone 2 as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Email: The email address from the data file. (Use email, emails, emailaddress, or emailaddresses as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Mother: Use this field to enter the Mother's name of the subject from the data file.

  • Father: Use this field to enter the Father's name of the subject from the data file. 

School Information:

  • Organization: Use this field to enter the school/organization the subject is affiliated with. (Use organization, school, or schoolname as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Year: Use this field to enter a graduation year for the student. (Use year as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Grade: Use this field to enter the student's grade level. (Use grade as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Teacher: Use this field to enter the name of the teacher from the data file. (Use teacher as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Homeroom: Use this field to enter the subject's homeroom number/class. (Use Homeroom as the column header on the data file to auto-map)


  • Jersey Number: Use this field to enter a Jersey Number for a subject. (Use Jersey, Jersey number, Jersey#, or JerseyNo as the column header on the data file to auto-map)


  • Personalization: Use this field to enter custom personalization for the subject. (Use personalization as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Custom Fields: These are custom fields on the data field that you use to bring in data. (Use custom1, customdata1, custom2, customdata2, custom3, or customdata3 as the column header on the data file to auto-map). Starting in build 2023.1.4 there are now 20 total custom fields that can be used.

Photo Session:

  • Photographer : (Added in build 2023.1.4) This allows the studio to keep record of the photographer for each subject

  • Photo Session Date: Use this field to set when the Subject had their pictures taken. (Use photosessiondate as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Photo Session Date Format: This is the format of the date for the photo session. The date formatting options are: 


  2. MM/DD/YY


  4. DD/MM/YY





  9. DDMMYY 


  • Expiration Date: This is the format for the expiration date of the subject. (Use expirationdate as the column header on the data file to auto-map)

  • Expiration Date Format:  This is format for the expiration date. The date formatting options are:


  2. MM/DD/YY


  4. DD/MM/YY







Notes: This will pull in any notes on the data file from the subject. (Use notes as the column header on the data file to auto-map)


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