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Marketing FAQ's

Our comprehensive Marketing FAQ Guide is designed to answer all your pressing questions to help elevate your Blueprint Marketing Knowledge.

Maddie Kinnisten avatar
Written by Maddie Kinnisten
Updated over 7 months ago

Why aren't my emails being sent?

  • Is your date range correct?

On the job level campaign dashboard, you have the ability to modify the date range for the data displayed. To modify this, simply click on the date range within the top middle of the dashboard and select the desired dates and click apply. The data will automatically update based on the new date selection.

Modifying the date range within the campaign-level marketing and analytics dashboard.

  • Is your audience correct?

When it comes to audiences for marketing there are important things to consider:

  1. Standard jobs must have an audience of ‘Custom Email List’ or else no marketing will send.

  2. When sending marketing for group images, you must have “with Group Images” selected, as this is the only trigger that will send just to subjects assigned to groups. There is no way to segment buyer vs. non-buyers for subjects that only have group images,, so you are not able to utilize the non-buyer triggers.

  3. If you are sending pre-order marketing, remember that subjects WITHOUT images must be the audience selected.

  • Is your job’s contact data in the correct field(s)?

Please make sure that all phone numbers are correctly formatted in the Phone 1 and Phone 2 field.

Acceptable phone number formats are as follows:


(919) 555-5555




Please make sure that all emails are correctly formatted in the Email field.

Acceptable email formats are as follows:; (semicolon only); (semicolon space), (comma only), (comma space) (space only)

Why isn’t my discount code working?

  • Is the code set up correctly?

Compare the time frame, code name and offer that is set up under the “Create Discount Code” section of Blueprint matches what is being distributed in all emails and sms.

  • Make sure it is attached to all applicable price sheets

For product specific discount codes, the code must be applied to specific products on applicable price sheets. Please make sure that the code is applied to all applicable products on all relevant price sheets.

  • Discounts to products only apply to one item per order

For product specific discount codes, the discount is only applicable on a single product that falls within that discounted category.

For example: If you are currently running a sale offering 50% off digital downloads - customers will only be able to purchase a single digital download at 50% off.

  • Why is a parent receiving an email for the wrong subject?

When customers log into a subject's gallery, the email used to log in is stored as a gallery guest contact for the subject they are viewing. . Gallery guest contacts are eligible for any future marketing that is sent to the subject they are associated with if the gallery guest audience segment is selected. Gallery guests can become assigned to the wrong gallery in a couple of instances:

  1. When subjects are logging into a shared computer, such as within a school, that browser stores the previous user’s data. When another student attempts to log-in to their own gallery on that same shared computer, they could unknowingly log in to the incorrect gallery due to the browser data and will from there on out be subscribed to that other student's gallery.

  2. Pre-order emails, just like proofing emails - are subject specific. What this means is that the marketing email that a parent receives announcing that it is time to pre-order their child’s images, includes a button that is linked specifically to their child’s pre-order gallery only. However, parents have historically forwarded these pre-order emails to friends, teammates or family with children within that same job. When a parent not directly linked to the original child logs in to the pre-order link that was forwarded to them, they will not notice it is not their individual pre-order link since the pre-order process does not include any images of the specific child. The person who has unknowingly logged into this incorrect gallery will now become a gallery guest of that subject and receive marketing going forward. This is often why when proofing emails are sent out following pre-order, a parent may receive marketing for the incorrect subject: because they logged themselves as a gallery guest on the wrong child’s gallery.

  • Why is a parent receiving non-buyer emails when they have already placed an order?

In order for a gallery guest to stop receiving non-buyer marketing emails, their email must already be on the subject's record, and make a purchase on that subject's record using the same email. Simply put, the same email must appear in 3 places: gallery guest, subjects record, subject’s order. If a gallery guest's email matches this criteria, they will be removed from a list of non-buyer recipients.

However, if there are several gallery guests on a subjects record that do not match any of the emails listed on the subjects record - then they will always be considered a non-buyers gallery guest no matter what, even if the subject they are associated with has orders on their record.

If a job is marked inactive and a marketing campaign is attached to it, will emails still go out?

  • Yes, marketing will still go out to all emails on an inactive subjects record. This can be useful for studios with prepay in their workflow as it allows us to market pre-ordering as an option for customers. However, if the job is not set to enable pre-orders, the subject will be unable to access their gallery and will receive an error message when attempting to log-in.

Can I add more than 1 campaign to a job?

  • Yes! You can add as many marketing campaigns to a job as you need. However, we strongly advise against running more than one marketing campaign on a job at a time.

Can I change the domain marketing emails come from?

  • No, we currently do not offer the option to change the domain your marketing emails come from. The “from name” defaults to the studio name input in Blueprint, however this is customizable.

Will I receive email responses in my inbox from a marketing campaign?

  • No, marketing emails come from a no-reply email so customers are not able to respond to the marketing campaigns. If you are looking to add your contact data to the emails going out, reach out to a marketing strategist to have this information added. We recommend requesting that a marketing strategist add your contact information to the bottom of each marketing email

Is there a way to translate emails to Spanish?

  • Our system does not automatically translate emails from English to Spanish. If you are in need of Spanish translations within your marketing emails, it will need to be manually added by a marketing strategist.

Will subjects without individual images still receive marketing if they have a group image?

  • Yes! If a subject without a primary image is added to a group that includes a group image, then they will receive marketing as long as the campaign they are receiving has “has Group Image” selected as the audience.

Can you pull group images into the marketing emails?

  • No, you can not currently pull group images into marketing emails.

How can I check which jobs the campaign is attached to?

  • Go to the marketing tab in Blueprint and look for the campaign in question. Copy the 7-digit campaign ID next to the campaign name. This is listed on the left side of the page. Now, go to the jobs tab and paste the 7-digit campaign ID you copied into the job search tab. The list of jobs will automatically filter to any job that has that 7-digit campaign ID attached to it, displaying the list of all jobs attached to a single marketing campaign.

What is remarketing?

  • Engaging with an audience that has already interacted with your company and its products previously (whether buyer or non-buyer) and encouraging them to purchase from you again or for the first time through the use of limited time incentives. These incentives could include sales, new product introductions or the archival of galleries.

What happens if I change the custom date while a job is active with a campaign attached?

  • We highly advise against modifying any of the dates while a campaign is active on a job. Altering the jobs can disrupt the workflow of the campaign. If dates change, we recommend sending out a separate campaign announcing any changes. If this does occur, upcoming emails will reflect the most up to date job information while the previously sent emails don’t change. However, if previously upcoming emails are modified by the new custom date to now take place in the past, emails could potentially go out on incorrect dates.

Can I pull in an image to the sms?

  • No, you are not able to pull in any multi-media to sms.

Where can I find the job link?

  • From the jobs tab, click the check box next to the 10-digit job ID for the job in question. Click on ‘View Online’ on the blue bar towards the top. From that drop down, click ‘Copy Link’.

Can I pull PDF’s into an email?

  • PDF’s will need to be converted to either a JPG or PNG in order to be added to an email. A marketing strategist can then make that JPG/PNG clickable by importing it into an email through the use of HTML.

Can I pull videos into an email?

  • We do not currently have a way to host videos in an email. However, if you upload it to a streaming platform, a marketing strategist can add the link to that video into a button for customers to be able to access.

Can I pull a GIF into an email?

  • Yes!

If I am shooting senior sessions over the course of several weeks, how do I send marketing to each group of seniors?

  • For this senior workflow, we highly suggest the use of our After Subject Data Update (ASDU) trigger. Marketing will trigger to the newly uploaded subjects once images are added to a subject's record and synced. Marketing sends for the ASDU trigger are based on subject data updates. Instead of marketing sending in bulk to all contacts at once, like with a manual release marketing campaign, an ASDU marketing campaign will send marketing on a per subject basis. When an image is uploaded to a subject's record and those changes are synced, the emails will then be triggered to send. Emails will only be sent to the subjects for whom you have just imported images. This excludes subjects who have not yet had their images uploaded or those who have already started receiving marketing.

  • For in-studio sessions that will be taking place on a rolling basis, we recommend sending marketing to these subjects via the after subject data update trigger. Emails or SMS that are set to use this trigger will be sent to newly added subjects once their images are uploaded and synced to the gallery. This is preferred for ongoing shoots as it allows the emails/sms to target the new subjects as opposed to sending to all subjects that match the audience criteria.

Our recommended workflow for jobs that will be utilizing the ASDU trigger is as follows:

  1. Create the job and import all subject records. Ensure that the email and phone number fields are accurately populated. When you are done, hit SYNC.

  2. Attach the ASDU marketing campaign before you upload any images. You can combine this with the first step as well. Don’t forget to hit SYNC.

  3. After completing the above steps, you may now begin uploading images for the desired subjects. Hit SYNC when you are done. As you hit sync, emails will queue up for only the updated subjects.

  4. As you continue to capture & sync subject’s images to the jobs, emails will queue accordingly.

*Subject data updates that can trigger an email or SMS are not limited to only new image uploads. Adjusting any information on the subject record and then syncing can trigger this flow which is why we recommend emails/SMS that will be triggered this way only target “subjects with images” so marketing is not sent prematurely to anyone who requires a data update ahead of their images being ready.

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