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Building Catalogs

How to build a catalog in Workflow

Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated this week

Creating a New Catalog

After opening the Catalog section, click on "Add Catalog" in the top-right corner

In the fly-down window, enter a new name for your catalog and click "Create"

NOTE: The catalog name is visible to customers.

Catalog Permissions

Catalog Permissions is where you can control catalog access for customers connected to you via Captura. Click on a catalog to open a sidebar where you can view/modify permissions at any time

Catalog Permissions has two options:

  1. Everyone
    - New studios HAVE immediate access when connected to your service.
    Studios can submit orders before you've had the ability to contact them❗

  2. Selected Studios
    - Lab has control over studio access to the catalog at any time.
    - New studios DO NOT HAVE immediate access when connected to your service.

With Selected Studios marked, you can then select Edit Permissions to modify access.

A list of all studios that are attached to the lab will open in the sidebar. You can toggle access to the catalog for each connected studio by clicking on them in the list.

Save your new catalog permissions changes on the previous screen by clicking the back arrow at the top and the green Save button on the previous screen.

Creating Basic Prints

After opening the catalog, you can navigate within by using the left side of the screen.

You can also switch between the catalog's Products, Options, and Backgrounds.

Use the + Add Category button to add a new category folder to your catalog

Use the + Add Product button to add a new product to the selected category folder.

Pro Tip: Create multiple categories to organize your creations by design type, like School, Sports, Memory Mates, Specialty Items, ID Cards, Wearables, Drinkware, Trader Cards, etc.

After adding a new Print Product, you'll need to specify the size (Width and Length) before you can click the green Sync button to save it. This creates a basic print with an image node set to fit the width and height entered.

Example: Enter 3x2.25 and the image node created will automatically fit that 3x2.25.


Assigning DP2 Layout Files to your Workflow Designs

When building products for DP2, it's important to have the DP2 Layout File assigned correctly so incoming orders are read properly by DP2 for printing.

After creating a new print in your catalog, you'll see an option to edit the DP2 Layout File Name. Select the layout file created in DP2 that you want to match with Workflow. You can also add DP2 Job Layout Overrides to override the default layout, such as changing the color of the text in the default layout.

Example: You can match a DP2 Layout File for an 8x10 (such as 8x10.txt) to the design.

You can match text and image nodes in your print design to DP2 after you've created the design and have a DP2 Layout file attached. Open the design in Workflow and select a text or image node to view the DP2 Node ID field:

Example: In DP2, the image node could be 10001 - you'll want to use that same number for the DP2 Node ID field shown above. The same steps apply for text nodes.

PLIC Lab/Riplynx

Assigning SKUs to your Workflow Designs

When building products for PLIC Lab, it's important to have the SKU of the product entered correctly to match the Map # of the desired product in the Riplynx PUD so incoming orders are read properly for printing.

A screenshot of where to enter in the SKU for a product in Workflow:

Adding a SKU to a product in your Blueprint catalog

A screenshot of where to enter/view the Map # of a product in Riplynx PUD:

Viewing your Map # of a product in Riplynx PUD

Multi-Node Prints

❗For Labs not utilizing DP2 or PLIC Lab❗

You can create multi-node print products in Workflow Lab for a studio to use with a single image for fulfillment. The studio will need to create a design and edit the fulfillment of their design (from their price sheet) to use your multi-node print.

Creating the Multi-node Product (Lab side)

1. In Workflow Lab > Catalog, click to select a catalog you'd like to create the multi-node print product for and click Open Catalog in the sidebar.

After opening the catalog, and under the Products tab, you can choose to add a new category to help keep your catalog neat (if needed) or continue with already have.

Pro Tip: Thoughtful organization makes the price sheet editing easier on studios.

2. Select a category you'd like to add a new product to, then click Add Product > Print.

3. Enter your product's default information, remembering the width and height will be the size of the sheet, not the image nodes.

For this article's example, we'll design 3-4x6s to print on an 8x10 sheet.

4. Click Design in the top-right corner

5. Design your multi-node print product:

  • Add 3 image nodes (1 for each 4x6)
    - Use the green + button next to Images to add a new image node

  • Size each image node to a 4x6
    - Click on an image node in your design to select it and open the Edit sidebar.
    - Size tools in the sidebar on the right helps easily apply custom or preset sizes.
    - Use drag-n-drop motions to freely resize a node on the design.

  • Position each image node evenly across the 8x10 sheet
    - Position tools in the sidebar on the right helps with precise placement.
    - Use drag-n-drop motions to freely position a node on the design

  • OPTIONAL: Add background to apply a color to use and fill in excess paper
    - In the screenshot above, we added a background and set the color to white.

❗Click Sync in the top-right corner to save the design and your edits to your catalog.

Creating a Single-node Product (Studio side)

Now that you've designed a multi-node print product for your Workflow Lab Catalog, the studio will need to edit the fulfillment of a studio design on their price sheet to use the Lab's multi-node print. Before we can do this, the studio will need to design a print product to fulfill using the lab's multi-node print.

If you need instructions on designs items for the studio you can click on this link:

Example: The studio should be designing a print that will fill the total image size:
- The Lab's multi-node print product was for 3-4x6 prints on a single 8x10 sheet.
- The Studio's print product design will be for a single 4x6 image.
- The Studio's single image design will fulfill on all image nodes in the multi-node print.

Adding the design to the Price Sheet

Now that we've got the following done:

  • A Workflow Lab catalog has a multi-node print product created.

  • The studio has a single-node print product created fulfill using the lab print.

It's time for the studio to add their design onto their price sheet. Once added, select the product and find Fulfillment. Select your lab, then select the multi-node print product created earlier.

After syncing, the print product will look something like this on the price sheet:

Combo Prints


Many studios like to offer combo prints to their customers. Combo Prints are sheets that contain multiple print sizes.

Example: Imagine offering 1-5x7 & 4 wallets. Instead of printing these on separate sheets, the lab can create image nodes on a single sheet that match these print sizes.

1. Create a print product and match its size to the full size of the sheet it will print on.
(Typically, this is an 8x10 sheet)

2. When designing the sheet, add the desired image nodes and position them to make sure they are on the sheet without any bleed over:


When designing print products to connect to a combo print, the design's size should match the largest image node on the combo print.

Example: For our 1-5x7 & 4 Wallets example, the studio design should be set to 5x7.

Pro Tip: Studios can also use print products that have popular sizes (like 5x7) already created from the provided Standard Prints catalog.

It's a self-fulfilled catalog (accessible when editing price sheets) that allows studios to place popular print product sizes that can then be fulfilled on lab products.


Options help studios offer extra features or products to the customer without building a new print product. There are 3 different options that can be created:

  • Image

  • Product

  • Order

Image Options

Image Options are options that take place on the image files ordered. Regardless of how many products are ordered, if they contain an image ordered with an image option then the retouched image will be used on all products.

Click Add Category, then enter a category name

Example: Create a Retouching category to store all retouching image options in.

You'll need at least one category before you can create an option. Categories help keep all of your options organized in your catalog.

Open your new category (or an existing one) to start designing Image Options:

There are 2 types of image options:

  • Toggle: A basic yes-no response.

    • Single price

    • Single Name, Description, Display Image, DP2 Function,

  • Selection: Provide the customer options to select from.

    • Each selection can have separate display images, pricing, descriptions, etc.

    • Workflow automatically creates and uses a "none" option when ordering.

    • Great for offering different levels of the same service at different prices.

DP2 Function

DP2 Labs can add a specific DP2 function that will download on the CMD file to run through DP2

Download Original Image

Useful for offering retouching on Green Screen images.

Example: The studio sold a knocked-out PNG image with a retouching image option.

When it's ordered with this option setting enabled:

  • The original green screen image is downloaded for the lab to retouch

  • The retouched green screen image is knocked out again for a cleaner PNG file.

Product Options

Product Options are options that can be added to prints and products that offer additional options for customers. These options will not change anything to the order, but they can provide additional information on how to process the order.

The process of creating product options is the same as image options. You'll need to create a category first (or open an existing category) before you can create a product option. There are 3 different kinds of product options:

  • Toggle

  • Selection

  • Text

    • XML and Order Exports contain the customer's entered text

    • This DOES NOT change the design. It's recommended to add a text node to your print design to allow the customer to add text.

Order Options

Order options are options that can be added to the entire order. These options will not change anything to the order, but they can provide additional information to the lab regarding a specific order.

The main use case for this is to offer different shipping options to studios
Example: Standard, Expedited, Overnight, etc.

The process of creating product options is the same as image options. You'll need to create a category first (or open an existing category) before you can create a product option. There are 3 different kinds of product options:

  • Toggle

  • Selection

  • Text

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