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Lab Preferences

Setting up your lab account

Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over a week ago

Blueprint Preferences

When starting with your Blueprint Lab service, you'll need to set up your Preferences. Blueprint preferences determine things like:

  • The printer you're using

  • Where images and data are being stored

  • Your data naming convention

  • and more

The first section within Blueprint Preferences is

Order Processing

This is where you will indicate where to store the processed images, smart feed, and Blueprint-generated reporting. You'll also indicate if you are using a service (like DP2) for printing.

Bulk Orders

As a lab, you can control whether you accept bulk orders or not. With the option below enabled, even if the studio sends a bulk order, Blueprint will automatically flatten the bulk order to have them all accepted individually.


Set the location to download the images for orders being processed through the lab.

There is no set rule that needs to be followed with the folder structure however it is recommend for labs to create one main folder with subfolders representing the Images, Reports, and Smartfeed, like below:

After assigning a folder to download images to, you can also decide to have Blueprint create order subfolders to store images for each individual order. Bulk orders will create one folder with all the images from that bulk.


The reports that get printed from Blueprint are the service order invoices. These invoices contain the products that the lab fulfill. After selecting a download location, you can have Blueprint auto-print the reports.


The Smartfeed is the data file that comes with each order. This can be viewed as either a JSON or XML file and will contain all the order data such as:

  • The products ordered

  • The bulk packaging information

  • The shipping information

  • The studio's billing information

Printer Configuration

There are 2 options to select for printer configuration:

  1. None

  2. DP2

If using DP2, you'll want to select DP2 for a new preference screen will appear.
Take a look at our DP2 preferences article for instructions on setting up those preferences:

If using None, then all the images and data will show up in the designated folders for manual printing.

Order Numbers

Order Numbers lets you choose your own numbering/naming system for orders submitted by connected studios.

When orders are submitted by the studio, they will contain 3 sets of numbers:

  1. Lab Order
    - The internal number that labs can use to track orders.
    - This is what you can change within the Order Numbers section.
    - Use this to identify the order as a Blueprint order or which studio submitted it.

  2. Service Order
    - The number specific to the service that is fulfilling the order.
    - Example: An order that has a Lab item, My Product (self-service) item, and an ImageQuix digital download will contain 3 service orders.
    - Lab will receive the service order specific to the product(s) they need to fulfill.

  3. Online Order
    - The number generated for the entire order.
    - This is the number generated on the order invoice that customers get.

When creating order numbers, the lab has a few options for fields to select from:

  1. Custom 1

  2. Custom 2

  3. Custom 3

  4. Customer Order Number

  5. Service Order

  6. Sequential Number

  7. Lab Customer Account Number

Labs can add multiple fields to create their specific order number.
​Example: Combine Custom 1 with Sequential Number to make a lab order number that looks like: IQ0001

Image Services

Image Services lets you offer image editing services on orders as they're submitted with Blueprint. Before you can start processing these orders you need to map the directories to accept then replace those images. Blueprint will automatically withhold printing capabilities until all ordered image services are completed.

Mapping Directories

In the Image Services section of your Fulfillment Settings (Studio) or Preferences (Lab). Select a directory for Blueprint to download the ordered image from and for Blueprint to upload the serviced image to the order from:

Fulfilling Image Services

You can download the image service orders you need to fulfill using one of three methods:

Once downloaded, you can begin performing the ordered image service. The images will download into separate folders in your download directory named after the image option ordered. The image files will also be named after their corresponding value in the column Image ID, providing easy lookup and order reference when needed.

When you're finished performing the image service, save the file in your specified upload directory to wrap up your image service. Blueprint looks inside your upload folder and processes replacements only if the filename remains unchanged from when it was downloaded.

Once they've been saved to the folder and Blueprint recognizes the file, you'll be prompted to sync in Blueprint. With AutoProcess on, new images will automatically upload every 5 minutes.

***IMPORTANT: You can save the processed images directly into the root of your specified upload folder. No need to add in any subfolders.


This is where you can:

  • Download/send log files for the IQ Product Support Team.

  • Reset the table column widths to their default value.

  • Clear Offline Job Storage (mainly used by Studios, Vertical Studios)

  • Clear Offline Print Template Storage

  • Export/Import Custom DP2 Functions

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