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Getting Started with Custom Forms

Learn how to create your first Custom Form to capture Subject Data during customer check-out in your online pre-orders sales

Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over 8 months ago

What is a custom form?

A Custom Form is a personalized list of questions your clients answer before submitting their order. The answers your clients provide can then be used to:

  • Help assign pre-orders to your subjects

    • A custom form is required for pre-order workflows

  • Automatically create subject data from Custom Form data entries

  • Gather additional data (like email addresses and phone numbers) to complement your existing subject data

Creating a custom form

To create a new Custom Form, click on Shopping Cart > Build a Custom Form tile. Use the green +NEW button to start a new form. You can also click on an existing form name to open and edit it.

Building a Custom Form

Adding, organizing, and removing questions from the form

In the form builder, you'll see groupings of available data fields to drag onto your form on the right-side of the app. Once added, use the icon on the far left to reposition the question on the form and the trash icon on the far right to remove the question:

You can add up to 8 questions per form and can apply 1 form per job.

Click on the data field in your form to expand and edit your question:

NOTE: Most of the data field questions (such as First Name) will be automatically configured to map to their correlating Subject Data field. Use the custom questions for any data fields needed that aren't explicitly listed.
When finished, click the pencil icon in the top left corner to rename your new form, then click the green CREATE button when finished to save it:


Attaching your new form to a Job

Now that you've built a custom form, you'll need to attach it to a Job to use it. Open the Settings tab of the desired Job. Under the General section, scroll down to the Custom Form drop-down box to add or remove forms:

NOTE: Be sure to Sync and save your changes.

Below is an example of the form your clients will fill out online during check-out:

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