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Blueprint Job Importer
Blueprint Job Importer

Learn to use the Multi-Job Importer through Blueprint

Anthony Iavarone avatar
Written by Anthony Iavarone
Updated over a week ago

Table of Contents

What is the Job Importer?

The Job Importer is a tool within Blueprint that will allow labs to upload jobs for studios in bulk using a JSON file with the job information, including the job Title, Price Sheet, subject data, and images. Below you will find the specs required for the JSON to import into Blueprint.

This will only upload NEW galleries into Blueprint. You cannot currently update jobs using this tool.

Getting Started

In order to start the job importer, the lab user will first need to have access to the studio's account. To get this access, notify ImageQuix Support that you need access to the studio and will get you connected on our end to the studio and also to the Job Importer for that studio.

Once the lab is connected to the studio you will see the new Job Importer tab in Blueprint that you can start using.


Once the lab is connected with the Job Importer you will now see a new setting in the lab preferences. This is for you to now set up the folder structure to run the importer

Choose your Job & Image Hot Folder

This is where you will be placing the JSON file and the images for Blueprint to upload. This will be the parent folder that contains all the individual customer folders. For more information on setting up the folders click here

Choose your Archive Folder

After the jobs have been uploaded the data and images will be moved to an archived folder. For this just create a location on your computer or server to save these files to then select that location here.

Set how often to import new Jobs

Choose how you would like to import new jobs and how often

Manually - Whenever jobs are added you will need to select import now to upload those jobs.

Once a day - Run the upload once a day at a specific time

Multiple times a day - Run the upload multiple times at a set interval that you can choose (i.e run every 10 minutes)

Folder Structure

Hot Folder: This is the location of the files that auto-publisher will pull in for publishing. The Hot folder structure is going to be set up to where you will have a main folder - Customer sub-folder - then job folder


1) ROOT folder (ie. “IQ-AutoPublisher-HOTFOLDER”)

The top-level folder that the job importer is pointed to

2) Customer Account Folders (ie. “AG9F178”)

Each customer will have their own folder labeled with their IQ Customer ID

3) Gallery Job Folders (ie. “johnsonMiddleSchool”)

Individual gallery job folders are to be exported into their respective customer folders for importing to that customer's IQ account.

JSON Structure


"gallery": {

"galleryType": "subject",

"id": -1000396442,

"title": "West Clayton High",

"jobType": "seniors",

"eventDate": "2017-02-18",

"eventStatus": "active",

"expirationDate": "2021-05-30",

"retakeDate": null,

"startShipDate": null,

"keyword": "test",

"welcomeMessage": "Welcome Message Here",

"welcomeImage": welcome.jpg,

"hidden": false,

"manualOnlineCodes": True,

"password": null,

"galleryConfig": "193531",

"customDataSpec": "2501",

"priceSheet": "66209",

"blueprintMarketingCampaigns": ["1003688"],

"isGreenScreen": true,

"isPreOrder": false,

"reference": "AP1",

"imageSize": "large",

"subjects": [


"firstName": "Katherine",

"lastName": "Macon",


"subjectID": null,

"address": null,

"city": null,

"state": null,

"zip": null,

"phone1": null,

"phone2": null,

"email": null,

"notes": null,

"organization": null,

"refNo": null,

"mother": null,

"father": null,

"year": null,

"grade": null,

"teacher": null,

"homeRoom": null,

"personalization": null,

"jerseyNumber": null,

"yearbookSelection1": null,

"yearbookSelection2": null,

"custom1": "123",

"custom2": null,

"custom3": null,

"galleryGroupOID": "11",

"images": [






"firstName": "Doug",

"lastName": "Tourtillott",

"onlineCode": "9ABC1",

"subjectID": null,

"address": null,

"city": null,

"state": null,

"zip": null,

"phone1": null,

"phone2": null,

"email": null,

"notes": null,

"organization": null,

"refNo": null,

"mother": null,

"father": null,

"year": null,

"grade": null,

"teacher": null,

"homeRoom": null,

"personalization": null,

"jerseyNumber": null,

"yearbookSelection1": null,

"yearbookSelection2": null,

"custom1": null,

"custom2": null,

"custom3": null,

"galleryGroupOID": "12",

"images": [








"publishState": "INITIAL_METADATA"

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