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PLIC Elements Reporting

How to use the Reports tab in PLIC Elements

Dana Chappell avatar
Written by Dana Chappell
Updated over a week ago

You can run reports on the subjects and orders in your job's by going to the Reports tab. There are a number of pre-built reports for you to pick from in the Saved Reports dropdown. The default reports you can choose from are:

  • All Subjects

  • Subject Order Summary

  • Subject Order Details

  • Photographed Subjects

  • Unphotographed Subjects

  • Job Order Summary

  • Submitted Job Order Summary

  • Cross Project Order Summary

  • Cross Project Order Details

  • Proofs In Progress

  • Denied Proofs

Each of these reports can be customized to display the data in the way you want. Click on Report Settings and a list of options will show up. Here you can customize the name of the report which will change the name of the CSV or PDF you generate.

Data Sets

The core of a report is what data set it is generated from. The data set options are:

  • Subject Details: List each subject as a row

  • Subject Order Summary: List each order as a row

  • Subject Order Details: List each ordered package as a row

  • Job Order Summary: List all sold package and units, how many were sold, and the prices for each. Can filter orders based on the date created.

  • Job Order Summary: List all sold package and units, how many were sold, and the prices for each ONLY for submitted orders. Can filter orders based on the date submitted.

  • Cross Project Order Summary: List each order across all your projects as a row

  • Cross Project Order Details: List each ordered package across all your projects as a row

Data Fields

All of the subject data sets will have each subject field listed as a field you can display, sort on, or filter on. The field will show by the label you set in the job's Project Template. They will also have a list of special fields you can use in reports:

  • Subject Name: Last Name, First Name

  • Photos: Number of photos in that subject

  • Subject ID: PLIC's unique identifier for this subject

  • Order Count: Number of orders for that subject

  • Subject Created At

  • First Photo Uploaded At

  • Last Photo Uploaded At

  • Package Summary: Lists packages for all orders for this subject

Both the order summary and order details reports have a number of special fields:

  • Order GUID

  • Order #

  • Order External ID

  • Order Batch GUID

  • Order Batch #

  • ImageQuix Order ID

  • ImageQuix Gallery Order ID

  • IamgeQuix Subject ID

  • State

  • Direct Shipping: Yes/No

  • Shipping Address: Combined display of all shipping fields

  • Shipping Line 1

  • Shipping Line 2

  • Shipping City

  • Shipping State

  • Shipping Country

  • Shipping Zipcode

  • Shipping Recepient

  • Direct Shipping Address: The Shipping Address field will be the batch's shipping address if the batch is set to override the shipping address for direct ship. This variable will ALWAYS be the direct shipping address even if an override was set.

  • Direct Shipping Line 1

  • Direct Shipping Line 2

  • Direct Shipping City

  • Direct Shipping State

  • Direct Shipping Country

  • Direct Shipping Zipcode

  • Direct Shipping Recepient

  • Billing Line 1

  • Billing Line 2

  • Billing City

  • Billing State

  • Billing Country

  • Billing Zipcode

  • Billing Recepient

  • Digital Delivery Email

  • Digital Delivery Phone Number

  • Order Created Date

  • Order Submitted Date

  • Products: List of product skus and purchased options

  • Product SKUs: List of product skus

  • Product Names: List of product names

  • Product Descriptions: List of product descriptions

  • Product Layout Names: List of rendered layouts as part of the order

  • Product Name/Layout Name: List of either layout name if one is rendered or the product name

  • Product Description/Layout Name: List of either layout name if one is rendered or the product description

  • Order Photos: List of ordered photo names and ordered image options

  • Ordered Backgrounds: List of ordered background photo names

  • Order Subtotal

  • Order Taxes

  • Order Shipping

  • Order Discount

  • Order Total

  • Cross Gallery Order Total: If this order is part of a multi-gallery order, this will be the total of all of the parts of the order summed together

  • Order Payment: Amount recorded as being paid by the customer

  • Order Comments

  • Order Options: A list of purchased order level options

  • Order Package Options: A list of purchased package options

  • Order Product Options: A list of purchased product options

  • Order Photo Options: A list of purchased photo options

  • All Ordered Options: A list of all ordered order, image, package, and product options

The order summary has some additional special fields:

  • Packages: List of package skus and ordered package options

  • Package SKUs: List of package skus

  • Package Names: List of package names

  • Package Descriptions: List of package descriptions

  • Order Price: Price of packages and not what the customer actually paid

The order details has some additional special fields:

  • Package: Package SKU and ordered package options

  • Package SKU: Package SKU

  • Package Name: Package name

  • Package Description: Package description

  • Package Price: Price of package and not what customer actually paid

The cross project summary reports have some project info fields:

  • Project Name

  • Project Short Code

Orders can have unverified properties on them. This is usually data you are collecting from parents that doesn't fit into one of the existing fields. A list of available unverified properties will show up at the bottom of the list for you to show or filter on individually.

Display Fields

Choose the list of fields you want to be in the report. If you want to change the order of the fields, go down to Preview Data and drag the column header to be in the order you want it to be. To change the sort, click on the field you want to sort. Click again to change to descending sort. Click a third time to remove the sort. Multiple sorts are supported, and the order the fields are sorted in is shown by the circled number next to the field header.

Group By Fields

When creating PDF reports, all of the rows are listed in one giant table by default. If you want to separate different sets of data from each other, you can change the group by. The subject order details report for example by default is grouped by Subject ID so each subject's orders on separate pages. When generating CSV reports the rows are still grouped together, but there is no separation between groups.

NOTE: If you want to group by subject, you have to group by Subject ID and *NOT* Student ID or by name. If you group by Student ID, all of the subjects without a Student ID in the data will be grouped together. If you group by Subject Name, any subjects with the same name will be grouped together. Only the Subject ID is guaranteed to be unique between subjects.

Header Fields

If you are grouping by a field, you can customize the PDF report to have a different header for each group's table. This allows you to display more columns since you don't need the subject name to be repeated on every row when they all are the same subject. This will not work correctly unless your data is grouped by the same criteria. You can have any subject field as a header if you are grouped by the Subject ID.

Report Filters

Report filters are listed separately from the rest of the Report Settings. To get started, click on the Report Filters to open up this section of the settings. Click Add Filter to get started. You can filter on any of the fields which can be displayed. We currently support the following filter conditions which are done case insensitive:

  • Equals

  • Does Not Equals

  • Contains

  • Does Not Contain

  • Starts With

  • Ends With

  • Greater Than

  • Less Than

  • Is Blank: Is blank text or 0 in the case of numbers like Photos

  • Is Present: Not blank text or 0 in the case of numbers like Photos

You can match a single field against multiple values by clicking on the plus icon to the right of the filter. You can use this to check for Grades equaling 07, 08, or 09 for example. You can also mix and match filter conditions and search for a Subject Name of "Jones, Bob" or containing "fore".

Below the list of active filters you can click Add Filter to add another AND filter condition. You can remove any unneeded filter conditions by clicking on the red x to the far right of the filter. There is no limit on how many filter conditions you are using at a time. You will see a preview of the results of your filter below.

Saving Reports

You can save reports that you will be using a lot for later use. After setting up the report the way you want, click on Save Custom Report. This button will only be available if something has changed about the report since you last loaded/saved it.

Saved reports are name specific. You can only have one report of the name "All Subjects" for example. If you load the All Subjects report, make some changes, and click on Save Custom Report, it will overwrite the All Subjects report. If you don't want to overwrite the existing report, change the name first!

Cross Project Reports

When selecting one of the cross project reports, orders from all of your projects will be loaded across a date range. By default it will load the past 7 days of orders. The dates filters are ran by your computer's local timezone. The dates can be filtered either by past x days or by a specific date range. Cross project reports will include every subject field from every project template in the returned data set. If you do not use consistent project templates, this will result in a lot of extra fields that only some subjects have data for.

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