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PLIC Books: Personalized Pages and Covers
PLIC Books: Personalized Pages and Covers

Selling and managing personalized pages and covers to parents

Dana Chappell avatar
Written by Dana Chappell
Updated over a week ago

The Personalizations tab is only enabled when you are setup for orders through the PLIC Books Store. To get started selling personalized pages through the Books Store, go to the Store Settings page. Scroll down to the Add-Ons section, and click on New Add-On. You can enter whatever description you want for the customer to see, but you have to set the type to one of the personalized pages types.

The Books Store offers a few different types of special Add-Ons:

  • Name on cover

  • 2 Personalized pages

  • 4 Personalized pages

  • 2 Personalized pages and Name on cover

  • 4 Personalized pages and Name on cover

When any of these special add-ons are purchased, a personalization record will be added to the Personalizations tab. A Names on cover add-on will just render a copy of the parents cover with their name on it. Personalized page add-ons will prompt the user to design their pages, and then you will be able to render those pages out when they are done. How to do that will be covered in more detail later in the article.

If you want to require names to be on covers when purchasing personalized pages, use the "2 Personalized pages and Name on cover" and "4 Personalized pages and Name on cover" options. This is can be useful to be able to tell who's book belongs to who.

When your customers view the Books Store, they will see the add-on options that you have included in your Store Settings. If they select the Name on cover add-on, they will be prompted to put exactly what they want to be printed on their Yearbook. If they select the personalized pages add-on, they will be asked for their email address and sent an invite to design their personalized pages after the order is completed.

The personalized pages users will have a special role called Store Designer. When looking at them on the Users tab, you will not be able to delete their user or change the role so they can complete their ads.

After the customer finishes their order and logs into PLIC Books, they will be logged into their design page. They can upload their own images and put text wherever they would like. The pages by default use the theme that is being used in the real book. They can change the background by click on the Backgrounds tab and dragging a new one onto the page.

When they are done, they will click Finalized and Submit so that you know you can print it. After the personalized pages have been submitted, the customer is not able to unlock it again themselves. A School Advisor or above is required to unlock it.

When you are ready to print these personalizations, you can go to the Personalizations tab and click on Download All. This will create a ZIP file with each order's personalizations grouped by subject name. The first time you click on this it will take a few minutes to render all of the personalizations. Each folder in the ZIP file will be named based on the order number and the order subject's name and contain 1 or more pdf files for the personalizations ordered. You can also download each personalization individually if you want.

For Name on cover personalizations to render, you need to add a text box with %cover personal name% in it somewhere to the cover. This is the text box where the names are going to be put into. For normal cover renders that text box will not show up.

For the personalized pages, the page number rendered is continuing at the end of the real book. So for example, if you had a 32 page book, then the 2 personalized pages would be rendered with page number 33 and 34.

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