You can get started by clicking on Parent Uploads from the Subject Management tab
Next click on the copy button next to the Parent URL box. This will give you a link to send to parents to start uploading from.
When parents open that page, they will see something similar to this where they will be prompted to upload a photo, and specify their kid's first/last name, teacher, grade, and optionally student id.
After they are done, you or your School Advisor will see that there are subjects pending approval.
You will then be able to approve or delete the photo. When approving, you will be prompted to crop the photo if it is not an 8 x 10, and correct any grade/teacher data that does not match the subject data you already have uploaded. That way if mom typed in the teacher "mrs jones" but it is "Mrs. Jones" it can be corrected before being inserted into the list of subjects. Once approved, a new subject will be created and inserted into the matching batch in Subject Management.