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PLIC Experience - Admin Dashboard

Control your projects, products, and marketing campaigns all in one place.

Drew Starr avatar
Written by Drew Starr
Updated over a week ago

Admin Access

PLIC will provide new users with an admin account. Admins can enter their login information at and then access their other PLIC accounts from there (such as PLIC Experience and PLIC Layouts).

Users can access PLIC Experience directly at

1. Venue Selection
a. Select venue to administer
b. Highest level reserved for your administrators
c. Venues can be created within the administration section or desktop with proper credentials
2. Global Search Feature
a. Search criteria options
i. Access Code (QR Value)
ii. Customer added email address
iii. Customer added phone number
b. Search results will return active links to
i. Access code module
ii. Project Photos View
iii. PLIC Event Info

3. Orders
a. Search Options
i. Order Number

ii. Date Range

iii. Default All
b. Search Results
i. Sort Result by Columns
ii. Click Order # to expand order information
iii. Quick Email Link to Customer
c. Expanded Order Information
i. Venue and Event Information
ii. Billing Information
iii. Shipping Information
- If Digital Product, only email address is available
iv. Order Products
- Product and Photo associated
- Quick link to photo ordered
- Revenue per line item
- Subtotal, Shipping and Total Revenue Information
4. Projects
Each time an image is uploaded from PLIC Experience Desktop, the project and uploaded images will be displayed here.

a. Clicking on the project name will open all the images which have been
uploaded from that project. There are two search options:
i. Choose Subjects

ii. Search Photos (start typing in an access code and the images will filter as you enter the access code).

iii. Clicking on a photo will open the Customer Details where new contact
information can be added and notifications can be sent.


5. Products
6. Order Forms / Packages
7. Messages
8. Users
9. Coupons
10. Campaigns
11. Tools
12. Settings

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