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PLIC Books - Themes

How do I make my own theme for PLIC Books?

Dana Chappell avatar
Written by Dana Chappell
Updated over a week ago

A theme is a set of backgrounds that are designed to go together across the different types of pages in your Book. To get started, click on the Themes tab under the Studio Menu.

Creating a Theme

Start by typing in the name of the theme you want to create in the Select Theme dropdown. Next click on the box above Previews. A file picker will popup. Select the image that you want to use, then press ok and it will be added to that slot. Do the same thing for the left/right cover, panels, candids, and index backgrounds.

The Preview is the image that the user will see when choosing between different themes. It will not actually be in the Book, but will represent the theme.

The cover backgrounds are the background that will go on the front cover. The left cover is the back cover page, and the right cover is the front cover page.

The panel pages are the pages that will have class layouts on them. The index pages are the pages that will have an index of where each kid in the book is. They often will have the same or similar backgrounds to candid pages. Candid pages are everything else.

The various text boxes over the backgrounds are so you can customize the default font styles for each type of page. For example changing the color for the Page Number text box will change the default font color for every page number in the book when this theme is applied.

When done press the blue Save button.

Editing Theme

From the Select Theme dropdown you can select any of the themes you already created. You can rename them by pressing on the blue Rename button. You can also set the theme to be available to only a specific type of Book from the Project Types dropdown pictured below.

If you make any changes to the theme, make sure to press the blue Save button again or they will not be saved automatically.

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