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PLIC Books - Adding Clipart
PLIC Books - Adding Clipart

How do I upload my own clipart?

Dana Chappell avatar
Written by Dana Chappell
Updated over a week ago

By default, your PLIC Books account will come preloaded with clip art that can be used to help design pages inside the yearbook. You are able to upload your own clip art that only your schools and users will be able to see and use.

First start by clicking on the Clip Art tab on the left of the screen.


You will start with only a single album called Clip Art. If you are only going to be uploading a few images, it will be fine to upload them to this album. If you are going to be uploading a lot of new clip art, you should categorize them by type into different albums. You can do that by clicking on the green plus sign and then giving it a name like Animals or Football. If you end up with many albums, you can also further categorize them into sub folders such as Sports -> Football, Baseball, etc...

Uploading Photos

Once you have some albums setup, it is time to upload clip art into them. Start by clicking on the gray upload icon to get started.

On the next screen you will click either Upload Your Photos or Upload Folder. If you want to select specific image files, click on Upload Your Photos and you will be able to select the photos you want and then press Ok. If you want to upload an entire folder at a time, click on Upload Folder.

The following image formats are supported: JPEG, PNG, WEBP, HEIC. Image are limited to a maximum of 25MB.

After selecting some images to upload, you will be given the option to tag them. These tags apply to all of the images being uploaded, and can be used by users to search for the correct clip art later. For example, if you are uploading a bunch of dog clip art, you could give them a few tags such as "Animal", "Dog", "Pet", etc.. Once done, click on Start Uploading.

The images will be uploaded to the album. When done you will see a screen like below and can click on Back to go back to viewing the album.


You can rename an existing album by clicking on the blue pencil icon. A dialog will popup that will allow you to edit the name or folder for this album.

Images can be deleted from the album by hovering over it and pressing the red x. You can also edit the tags for an image after upload by hovering over it and pressing the yellow tag icon. Images can be moved to a different album by clicking on each one you want to move and then clicking on Move Photos and selecting the album you want to move them into.

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