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Designing a book cover

Learn how to design different types of covers for a PLIC Book

Dana Chappell avatar
Written by Dana Chappell
Updated over a year ago

When opening a book, it's displayed as if you're looking at the real thing. Now you just have to design it! This article will help you learn how to create different types of cover designs for your PLIC Book.

Creating a spread design

Select Front Cover on the top-right side of the cover page, then Edit Spread in the sidebar.

With the designer showing the full cover spread, you can now add an image to be spread across both sides of the book:

Select an image by clicking on it. You can drag-n-drop where you want it on the cover. You can also edit properties with the toolbar or grab a handle to rotate and resize the image.

πŸ’‘ Hold the control key while resizing an image to maintain its original aspect ratio

Creating multiple covers

Select Front Cover on the top-right side of the cover page, then Edit Spread in the sidebar. The other cover options will show as edit buttons with the name of the cover type. Clicking on this button will switch to editing the other cover format.

After clicking on the other format, you can start designing the second cover as well. It can designed to be completely different or the same with minor tweaks depending on what you want to accomplish.

Adding text to a hard cover spine

For hard cover books, you can add text on the book's spine. Be sure to keep the text in the white area only. Anything left outside of the white area is at risk of bleeding onto the face of the book or being cut-off.

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